Chapter 2: Remove the Trash - Recovering from Mistakes

OVERVIEW - Leaders Self-Reflect

Remove the Trash Objective: You will learn; how to forgive yourself when mistakes are made, how to make adjustments to your leadership style to truly gain success, to manage time and schedule and to manage relationships.

WARNING: Rated "F" for Forgiveness.
The entire curriculum and useful tools are included in the software. Sign up for the Business Software

The entire curriculum (framework) is also available on Amazon. Get Your Copy

After you finish all exercises, you will update your "Leadership Plan", "Business Administrative Plan" and "Bio"
Remove the Trash Large

"What if I make a mistake?"
“What is blocking true success?”
“Could you be in your own way?”
“Are you salvageable?”

Are you about to make the same mistakes you have made over and over in your life?

STOP! Being too hard on yourself may result in being too hard on others. Also, charging into business with trash in your heart will be detrimental to you family, friends and customers. This section is to be used make adjustments to your current leadership style. We are in part 2 of the framework. This methodology teaches you what to do to prepare your business for resilience. This section covers how to work with others. It also covers time and schedule management. Lastly, it covers forgiveness. There are 12 leadership adjustment exercises, 1 foundation quiz and 1 time and schedule management quiz. Be prepared to grow.
For the Leader Inside You
Watch the Remove the Trash Video as a discussion or thought starter.
RECOMMENDED: Work on this in a group or with another person to get the necessary feedback.

GOD gave each person gifts and talents. Serving customers with these gifts enables a thriving, GOD-centered business. But what happens if the business is not thriving or the idea is not gaining traction? This makes some people doubt you even heard from GOD regarding your business. How can this doubt be removed?

I keep asking you “Do you like you?” Are you ashamed? Are you filled with something that may cause you to overlook your gifts and talents? This fear, doubt and questioning could be trash in your heart that requires hearing GOD.